Cloud Seeding Tool

When you create a Cloud Backup job, you can seed the data to the cloud destination if there is too much data to send across the internet in the first full backup. Seeding involves putting the data on a removable drive and sending it to your cloud provider. BackupAssist provides a Seeding Tool that will copy the data selected in your Cloud Backup job to the removable drive.


Before you use the Seeding Tool, you will need to check the cloud destination is ready and attach a removable drive. These two requirements are outlined below.

Confirming the destination

When you create the Cloud Backup job, the information entered in the Set up destination step is used to create the cloud container when you select the Check destination button. To verify that the cloud container was created correctly, log into your cloud provider's portal and confirm that a container with the name provided in the backup job's Destination step is there.

Sourcing a removable drive

You will need to source a portable drive that can be posted to your cloud provider, and that drive must meet the providers' seeding drive requirements.

Using the Seeding Tool

BackupAssist's Seeding Tool is used to copy the data selected in a Cloud Backup job, to a removable drive in the correct format. Once you have attached the removable drive, launch the Seeding Tool and follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Start the Seeding Tool
  2. The Seeding Tool is available as an option in the Manage menu when Editing a Cloud Backup job.

  3. Seeding to Cloud
  4. Tick Seed this backup to the cloud.

  5. Prepare the seeding drive
  6. Select the removable drive that the job is to copy the data to from the drop down list, and tick the box to confirm that the drive meets the hardware requirements.

  7. Back up to seeding drive
  8. The seeding wizard will run and display its progress in the BackupAssist UI.

  9. BitLocker Encryption - Azure only
  10. If you are running the Seeding Tool for an Azure Cloud Backup job, you will also need to encrypt the drive using BitLocker.

  11. Completion screen
  12. The final screen explains what you need to do next. This process will involve preparing the drive and the cloud destination, and posting the drive.

    Note: When the Seeding Tool has finished, the backup job will be disabled because cloud providers will not seed destinations that contain data. The job can be re-enabled by opening it when the seeding has been completed.

Next Steps

You will now need to copy the seeded data to the cloud destination as outlined in the resources linked below. If you use a cloud provider, the process will be defined and supported by your cloud provider.

Amazon Web Services S3 seeding guide

Microsoft Azure seeding guide

WebDAV private cloud seeding guide